ഒരു പയ്യന് ഒരു കൊച്ചു പെണ്കുട്ടിയോട് ഇഷ്ടം തോന്നി...അവന് അവളെ ഇടക്ക് കാണും ഒരിക്കല് അവനു അവളുടെ ഒരു ഫോട്ടോ വീണു കിട്ടി...അവന് അത് പൊന്നു പോലെ സൂക്ഷിച്ചു പിന്നിട് അവന് അവളെ കണ്ടതെ ഇല്ല...അവന് വളര്ന്നു ,പഠിച്ചു,ജോലിയായി വിവാഹവും കഴിഞ്ഞു...
ഒരിക്കല് അവന്റെ ഭാര്യ അലമാര “clean” ചെയ്യുകയായിരുന്നു...അപ്പോള് ഒരു കൊച്ചു പെണ്കുട്ടിയുടെ ഫോട്ടോ കിട്ടി അവള് ചോദിച്ചു:”ഇതാരാണ്?,അവന് ശാന്തനായി കൊണ്ട് പറഞ്ഞു ഞാന് കുട്ടിക്കാലത്ത് സ്നേഹിച്ചിരുന്ന കുട്ടിയായിരുന്നു... പക്ഷേ, അവളോട് ആ കാര്യം ഇതുവരെ പറയാന് എനിക്ക് സാധിച്ചിട്ടില്ല.. നിറകണ്ണുകളോടെ അവള് പറഞ്ഞു എനിക്ക് 6 വയസ്സ് ഉള്ളപ്പോള് നഷ്ടപെട്ട എന്റെയ ഫോട്ടോ ആണിത്....
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Innovation – 5 Questions to Ignite Your Innovative Curiosity by Woody Bendle
Innovation – 5 Questions to Ignite Your Innovative Curiosity by Woody Bendle
If you’ve been curious where Woody has been, customer experience and innovation expert Woody Bendle is back on Brainzooming with part 1 of a two-part series. In this introduction, Woody touches on the importance of curiosity for innovation and shares five questions to ignite your innovative curiosity. In part two, Woody applies those questions to a real-life innovation example. Here’s Woody:
Five Questions to Ignite Your Innovative Curiosity by Woody Bendle
Curiosity is something we are all born with – yes, all of us. We all likely have some general understanding about what curiosity is; but if you’re like most, you probably haven’t spent a lot of time actually thinking about curiosity.
The problem however is that I think we actually should be devoting a lot more time to thinking about and developing our curiosity for at least two fundamental reasons:
- Curiosity is the foundational catalyst for innovation, and
- Our future is dependent upon innovation
Those seem like pretty good reasons to me.
I’m betting you’re curious…
Of course you are! Don’t be modest! You are reading this article because you are curious. In all likelihood, you’re a little more curious than the average bear! And we need more people like you! Why?
Because curiosity has been an integral factor in human advancement since the first Neanderthal stumbled across fire 300,000-400,000 years ago and subsequently invented barbeque, hot tubs and central heating…
OK, maybe it didn’t quite happen exactly like that. But it is safe to say that we wouldn’t have any of the incredible things we have today if it wasn’t for curiosity! So much of what we take for granted all around us each and every day can be attributed to someone’s curiosity:
- Do you think we’d have safe electrical lighting and smart grids today without curiosity?
- Do you think we’d have airplanes and radar if it wasn’t for curiosity?
- Do you think we’d have penicillin or x-rays if it wasn’t for curiosity?
- What about Velcro or Platform Sneakers or Fried Butter or Camouflage Snuggies!
Do you really think we’d have any of these without curiosity? Nope! No way! Not a chance! So given that we have all of these wonderful amazing things because of curiosity, why don’t we as a society, spend more time devoted to understanding, cultivating and refining our curiosity? What a curious question…
Let me take a moment to underscore that curiosity in-and-of-itself isn’t sufficient. Curiosity without awareness, perception and the ability to learn and adapt can be detrimental to one’s own existence. In fact, curious and stupid is a pretty bad combination – and the Darwin Awards pay homage to this.
So what is curiosity?
Curiosity has been a topic of rigorous philosophical debate and study for decades (if not centuries). And, if you want to get your inner-geek on, the literature surrounding curiosity is actually pretty fascinating. Just go to http://scholar.google.com and type in ‘curiosity’ and you’ll have a ball! But, to save you some time, let me give you my take on curiosity:
Curiosity is the motivating drive that stems from, and serves the need of perpetuation.
In other words, we all instinctually want to survive and thrive at some level. Curiosity is the internal mechanism that nudges each of us towards seeking out ways to stay safe from harm, as well as seeking out ways to develop and grow. By figuring out how to stay safe as well as improving our relative state of being, we are able to perpetuate our, our offspring’s and our society’s existence.
Let’s ignite innovative curiosity!
There is no shortage of advice out there (both good and bad) for developing one’s own curiosity and creativity. The bottom line however, if you want to develop and refine your curiosity and creativity, is this:
- Keep an open (perceptive) mind
- Continually ask a lot of questions
- Be persistent (and thorough) in your pursuit of potential answers
I know, this seems pretty straight forward, intuitive and simplistic – sort of like, if you want to lose weight, you need to eat better and exercise (duh!) – but developing and refining your curiosity is actually similar to losing weight – it requires you to work at it.
5 Questions to Ignite Your Innovative Curiosity
To help you out, here are five questions I try to regularly ask myself in as many situations as possible.
- What am I (or not) seeing that is new or different?
- Where am I (or not) seeing it?
- When am I (or not) seeing it?
- Why am I (or not) seeing it?
- Why am I not seeing more of it?
This isn’t by any means the definitive list of questions for developing curiosity. But, if you put these five questions somewhere where you will see them often, over time, your mind will begin to naturally ask these (and many more) questions. You will become more curious!
Now let’s get innovating! - Woody Bendle
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Startups India | Kerala Startups | Startup Companies | Motivation for Startups | Starting a Company | Getting Market | Entrepreneur India | Mentors India | Ideas into venture
A really motivational post for startups from Babu Mohanan on Kerala Startups Group, Facebook
If we continue to do things the way we did before, follow the same model that we follow everywhere, then things will be in the same state as we see it now. Do we need to move forward? Do we need to see progress? Do we need development to happen? Then we have to start doing things in a different way. It is easier said than done. How do we start doing things in a different way? We have been doing things this way and that is all what we know. What model should we follow?
Why are we not seeing a lot of opportunities for new products? You are talking about "Pain points", what pain points? All most all we want today is already invented by West, there is nothing more to do? What innovation can we do? For every issue I see there is already a solution.
Are we missing something?
Yes, as I said earlier we continue to do things the way we did before. We continue to think the way we did before. Neither thinking nor doing has changed. We are stuck. Unless we change ourselves it is not easy to see the opportunities. The moment you get out of that jail which we have created for ourselves, we will be able to see hundreds of opportunities around.
This is the idea that lead me to create the Kerala startups group. I want to support all people who wants to do things differently. Most of the investors I met share my thoughts in this. There is no point in saying that you are not getting investment until you show the investors something unique.
If we have no model to follow, how do we know what changes are required?
Market is our leader. Market will sets the rules. Do not look on anything else. Neither technology or education can give you this model. Technology is just a tool. You should know when to use it when not? We are looking for solutions that market loves.
What is this market? How do I know what market wants?
Market is like God, it is present everywhere but you will not know. Unlike God there are proven methods to test market. What is that?
Make a small change, put forward a small effort and then take that to the market. See how the market reacts. Does the market ignore your product? Then probably you are not doing it correctly. Yes, that is a failure, but without that failure you will never have an idea about the market. So try to do things differently. Let it fail, but you will gain by learning. You will change yourself, you will start seeing a lot more opportunities.
But a journey of an entrepreneur is costly, we may end up in points of no return. There are a lot of pitfalls through this journey. How do we guarantee minimum safety? I agree that we have to take risks, go where nobody has gone before. But unless we can retrace our steps how can we use the lessons that we learned from it for our next venture.
This is where a mentor can help you. A mentor can show you the pitfalls. Mentor can tell you how far you should go, how much you should spent. He can tell you when not to spend money.
Who are these mentors? Where can we find them?
The Mentors are those people who had walked the path that you are trying to cover. They had tried to do things that you are trying to do now. They might have failed, or failed miserably, but they are very valuable resources. Meet them and discuss about your venture periodically. You can have several mentors at the same time. Try to avoid those people who have only theoretical knowledge. What we need is people having practical knowledge, let them be zero in theory.
Then there are mentor + Angel investors. They are those people who are ready to travel in the same boat and take the same risks with you. If you can get one of them then you are lucky.
We are the basics of change, progress or development. Unless we change nothing can change. If we change that is all what is required. You do not have to look at any external things like Govt. or political parties. Nothing except us.
If we continue to do things the way we did before, follow the same model that we follow everywhere, then things will be in the same state as we see it now. Do we need to move forward? Do we need to see progress? Do we need development to happen? Then we have to start doing things in a different way. It is easier said than done. How do we start doing things in a different way? We have been doing things this way and that is all what we know. What model should we follow?
Why are we not seeing a lot of opportunities for new products? You are talking about "Pain points", what pain points? All most all we want today is already invented by West, there is nothing more to do? What innovation can we do? For every issue I see there is already a solution.
Are we missing something?
Yes, as I said earlier we continue to do things the way we did before. We continue to think the way we did before. Neither thinking nor doing has changed. We are stuck. Unless we change ourselves it is not easy to see the opportunities. The moment you get out of that jail which we have created for ourselves, we will be able to see hundreds of opportunities around.
This is the idea that lead me to create the Kerala startups group. I want to support all people who wants to do things differently. Most of the investors I met share my thoughts in this. There is no point in saying that you are not getting investment until you show the investors something unique.
If we have no model to follow, how do we know what changes are required?
Market is our leader. Market will sets the rules. Do not look on anything else. Neither technology or education can give you this model. Technology is just a tool. You should know when to use it when not? We are looking for solutions that market loves.
What is this market? How do I know what market wants?
Market is like God, it is present everywhere but you will not know. Unlike God there are proven methods to test market. What is that?
Make a small change, put forward a small effort and then take that to the market. See how the market reacts. Does the market ignore your product? Then probably you are not doing it correctly. Yes, that is a failure, but without that failure you will never have an idea about the market. So try to do things differently. Let it fail, but you will gain by learning. You will change yourself, you will start seeing a lot more opportunities.
But a journey of an entrepreneur is costly, we may end up in points of no return. There are a lot of pitfalls through this journey. How do we guarantee minimum safety? I agree that we have to take risks, go where nobody has gone before. But unless we can retrace our steps how can we use the lessons that we learned from it for our next venture.
This is where a mentor can help you. A mentor can show you the pitfalls. Mentor can tell you how far you should go, how much you should spent. He can tell you when not to spend money.
Who are these mentors? Where can we find them?
The Mentors are those people who had walked the path that you are trying to cover. They had tried to do things that you are trying to do now. They might have failed, or failed miserably, but they are very valuable resources. Meet them and discuss about your venture periodically. You can have several mentors at the same time. Try to avoid those people who have only theoretical knowledge. What we need is people having practical knowledge, let them be zero in theory.
Then there are mentor + Angel investors. They are those people who are ready to travel in the same boat and take the same risks with you. If you can get one of them then you are lucky.
We are the basics of change, progress or development. Unless we change nothing can change. If we change that is all what is required. You do not have to look at any external things like Govt. or political parties. Nothing except us.
FDA Finally Admits Chicken Meat Contains Cancer-Causing Arsenic | Chicken cancer | Cancer causing food | Cancer causing meat | Chicken fry and cancer
Even worse, the FDA says its own research shows that the arsenic added to the chicken feed ends up in the chicken meat where it is consumed by humans. So for the last sixty years, American consumers who eat conventional chicken have been swallowing arsenic, a known cancer-causing chemical.(http://www.phillyburbs.com/news/loc...)
But now the evidence is so undeniable that the manufacturer of the chicken feed product known as Roxarsone has decided to pull the product off the shelves (http://www.grist.org/food-safety/20...). And what's the name of this manufacturer that has been putting arsenic in the chicken feed for all these years? Pfizer, of course -- the very same company that makes vaccines containing chemical adjuvants that are injected into children.
Technically, the company making the Roxarsone chicken feed is a subsidiary of Pfizer, called Alpharma LLC. Even though Alpharma now has agreed to pull this toxic feed chemical off the shelves in the United States, it says it won't necessarily remove it from feed products in other countries unless it is forced by regulators to do so. As reported by AP:
"Scott Brown of Pfizer Animal Health's Veterinary Medicine Research and Development division said the company also sells the ingredient in about a dozen other countries. He said Pfizer is reaching out to regulatory authorities in those countries and will decide whether to sell it on an individual basis."
But even as its arsenic-containing product is pulled off the shelves, the FDA continues its campaign of denial, claiming arsenic in chickens is at such a low level that it's still safe to eat. This is even as the FDA says arsenic is a carcinogen, meaning it increases the risk of cancer.
TheNational Chicken Councilagrees with the FDA. In a statement issued in response to the news that Roxarsone would be pulled from feed store shelves, it stated, "Chicken is safe to eat" even while admitting arsenic was used in many flocks grown and sold as chicken meat in the United States.
What's astonishing about all this is that the FDA tells consumers it's safe to eat cancer-causing arsenic but it's dangerous to drink elderberry juice! The FDA recently conducted an armed raid in an elderberry juice manufacturer, accusing it of the "crime" of selling "unapproved drugs." (http://www.naturalnews.com/032631_e...) Which drugs would those be? The elderberry juice, explains the FDA. You see, the elderberry juice magically becomes a "drugs" if you tell people how it can help support good health.
The FDA has also gone after dozens of other companies for selling natural herbal products or nutritional products that enhance and support health. Plus, it's waging a war on raw milk which it says is dangerous. So now in America, we have a food and drug regulatory agency that says it's okay to eat arsenic, but dangerous to drink elderberry juice or raw milk.
Eat more poison, in other words, but don't consume any healing foods. That's the FDA, killing off Americans one meal at a time while protecting the profits of the very companies that are poisoning us with their deadly ingredients.
Oh, by the way, here's another sweet little disturbing fact you probably didn't know about hamburgers and conventional beef : Chicken litter containing arsenic is fed to cows in factory beef operations. So the arsenic that's pooped out by the chickens gets consumed and concentrated in the tissues of cows, which is then ground into hamburger to be consumed by the clueless masses who don't even know they're eating second-hand chicken crap.
Cloud Computing India | Cloud Computing Kerala | Cloud Computing UK | Absolute Business Cloud | Top Cloud Server review
The best cloud server and cloud service provided in India is by Cloud Orange. The review is done by the NetworksPeople Justin with the cloud servers available in India like ctrls,e2networks etc.
The control panel and the server creation and all other things are really simple in Cloud Orange. They give the technical support by email and will get a reply within 1 hour on office timings in India. Cloud Orange is also giving offers to the startup companies for moving into the cloud. Cloud supports most of the banks in India with the help of CCAvenue Payment Gateway. For the transfer of money using USD and other currencies Cloud Orange is configured with Payapal(I didnt used paypal,but reviews show that it is most convenient for payments in other currencies). Cloud Orange is also providing managed cloud servers in partnership with Cloudways.
Try the cloud servers by Cloud Orange and write reviews about the cloud servers by cloud orange by commenting below.
I will post a detailed review of all the cloud servers available in India on the coming week.
The control panel and the server creation and all other things are really simple in Cloud Orange. They give the technical support by email and will get a reply within 1 hour on office timings in India. Cloud Orange is also giving offers to the startup companies for moving into the cloud. Cloud supports most of the banks in India with the help of CCAvenue Payment Gateway. For the transfer of money using USD and other currencies Cloud Orange is configured with Payapal(I didnt used paypal,but reviews show that it is most convenient for payments in other currencies). Cloud Orange is also providing managed cloud servers in partnership with Cloudways.
Try the cloud servers by Cloud Orange and write reviews about the cloud servers by cloud orange by commenting below.
I will post a detailed review of all the cloud servers available in India on the coming week.
Muthuchippi Poloru kathin ullil | Thattathin Marayath | Cute song from Thattathin Marayath
The cute song muthuchippi poloru sung by two young brother and sistet. Watch it you will surely love it and share it.
Muthuchippi Poloru Lyrics: Thattathin Marayath
Movie:Thattathin Marayath
Song: Muthuchippi Poloru
Lyrics:Anu Elizabeth Jose
Music:Shaan Rahman
Singers:Sachin Varier,Ramya Nambeeshan
Song: Muthuchippi Poloru
Lyrics:Anu Elizabeth Jose
Music:Shaan Rahman
Singers:Sachin Varier,Ramya Nambeeshan
En Omale…Enn Shwasame…Enn Jeevane..Aayisha
En Omale…Enn Shwasame…Enn Jeevane..Aayisha
En Omale…Enn Shwasame…Enn Jeevane..Aayisha
Muthuchippi poloru kathinullill vannoru kinnaaram
Kinnarichu paaduvaan ullinullill ninnoru shri raagaam
Kinnarichu paaduvaan ullinullill ninnoru shri raagaam
Muthuchippi poloru kathinullill vannoru kinnaaram
Kinnarichu paaduvaan ullinullill ninnoru shri raagaam
Kinnarichu paaduvaan ullinullill ninnoru shri raagaam
Muudal Manjin kulirulla pulariyil
paari paari ennumente kanavukalil
varavaayi nee Aayisha…
varavaayi nee Aayisha…
paari paari ennumente kanavukalil
varavaayi nee Aayisha…
varavaayi nee Aayisha…
Muthuchippi poloru kathinullill vannoru kinnaaram
Kinnarichu paaduvaan ullinullullill ninnoru shri raagaam
Kinnarichu paaduvaan ullinullullill ninnoru shri raagaam
Oru Kaattinn poo kavil thazhukum
Priyamaam sandheshavum anayum
Oru chippill ninte maanasam niraye
Poovidum aashakal kaanuvaan mohamaayi
Priyamaam sandheshavum anayum
Oru chippill ninte maanasam niraye
Poovidum aashakal kaanuvaan mohamaayi
Oru Kaattinn poo kavil thazhukum
Priyamaam sandheshavum anayum
Oru chippill ninte maanasam niraye
Poovidum aashakal kaanuvaan mohamaayi
Priyamaam sandheshavum anayum
Oru chippill ninte maanasam niraye
Poovidum aashakal kaanuvaan mohamaayi
Poovinte maarile madhuvaarnoru naru then thullipol
Aardramaam nenjille priyamaarnora mugham ennennum nee ariyu…
Aardramaam nenjille priyamaarnora mugham ennennum nee ariyu…
Muthuchippi poloru kathinullill vannoru kinnaaram
Kinnarichu paaduvaan ullinullullill ninnoru shri raagaam
Kinnarichu paaduvaan ullinullullill ninnoru shri raagaam
Muudal Manjin kulirulla pulariyil
paari paari ennum ninte kanavukalil
varavaayi nee Aayisha…
varavaayi nee Aayisha…
paari paari ennum ninte kanavukalil
varavaayi nee Aayisha…
varavaayi nee Aayisha…
Muthuchippi poloru kathinullill vannoru kinnaaram
thanananana…shri raagam
thanananana…shri raagam
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